Producer Vashu Bhagnani's son Jackky has been struggling to get a project together ever since F.A.L.T.U became a freak hit. So far, no luck. First the F.A.L.T.U director Remo d'Souza begged off a sequel. More recently Raj Kumar Santoshi was all set to direct Jackky in a rom-com. But the paucity of a topnotch heroine who was willing to co-star with Jackky, aborted the Santoshi project.
Now it's the Dhoom director Sanjay Gadhvi whose craeer has been under a pall of gloom, who has taken on the task of directing Jackky.
Gadhvi is all set to make a rom-com with Jackky, where the comedy element will be very very high.
Says a close friend of Gadhvi, "Sanjay has been sorting out his life and career ever since Kidnap bombed and a major production house went legal on him over money matters. Now he is ready to direct again. Sanjay empathizes with Jackky. They've both given successes. But are in exile. They will prove themselves as a team."
Interestingly Jackky's character in Gadhvi's film would be a lot like the one played by Uday Chopra in Gadhvi's Dhoom.
Says the friend, "Uday Chopra's Ali is Sanjay's favourite character in Dhoom. He feels Jackky has a terrific sense of humour and great comic timing. Hence in their romcom, comedy would be more accentuated than the romance. Jackky would be cast as a carefree happy-go-lucky and funny as Uday was in Dhoom and in Sanjay Gadhvi's Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai."
As for the crucial question of who plays plays the leading lady Gadhvi has decided to launch a new face.
Says the friend, "It's the practical and sensible thing to do. Looking for an A-lister heroine to co-star with Jackky would be time-consuming and futile. Vashu Bhagnani wants Sanjay to start his film with Jackky immed.A new girl will be launched with Jackky."
We asked Sanjay Gadhvi to comment. He said, "I am not allowed to say anything at the moment. But yes I am working on a new project.As for Dhoom I've left it behind now.In fact when the Dhoom 3 was announced with Vijay Krishna Acharya as director I was a relieved man. I rang him up to wish him all the best. I've other stories to tell."
Saturday, February 18, 2012 12:56 IST